The snow falls softly and silently onto everything and everywhere until all is covered in a white blanket. It transforms the countryside, the sounds, and the colours. The cold, soft powder cleans all traces away and prevails over the world onto which it falls.

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By Christina Parsons

The snow falls softly and silently onto everything and everywhere until all is covered in a white blanket. It transforms the countryside, the sounds, and the colours. The cold, soft powder cleans all traces away and prevails over the world onto which it falls.

The snow isolates everything which is envelopes, curring it off from the real world. A new harmonized and homogenous environment emerges, it’s a White Whisper.

It is this moment that Caroline Gavazzil wants to capture: the point in time when the snow falls and plunges people and things into the torpor of a new world. It is at this moment when we wonder if it is all a dream.

This is not Alice in Wonderland, but Alice in Winter Wonderland. The eye of the photographer invites us to join her in a new fairytale in which inanimate things appear to experience the same feelings and people.

The snow alters the landscape in such a way that everything seems interchangeable and distances cannot be evaluated. We are looking upon a wilderness, in which all landmarks have disappeared.

It is once again evident in this series of works that Caroline Gavazzi possesses a true talent of interpretation, supported by a photographic technique she has mastered perfectly.

Her intimate relationship and innate empathy with her surroundings is developed further in this collection. For Caroline, wooden horses, doors, or run-down buildings, are not trees and sheds, all appear to have a soul. Her aim here is not to capture an instant in time, but rather the soul and life in her surroundings, energy, and vitality which Caroline feels in everything and lays bare for our enjoyment.

Young contemporary photography can take pride in the contribution of Caroline Gavazzi, who shows an extraordinary artistic temperament and perfect mastery of her art.